Our school is warm and vibrant, drawing strength and inspiration from the different nationalities that have chosen to join our community. We believe in promoting happiness, personal learning and international mindedness.

Our curriculum combines the best of international with the best of British. We have high expectations of every learner, placing particular emphasis on English, mathematics and science. We proudly deliver a thematic, creative curriculum for humanities, design and technology, art and computers; and our specialist teachers share their passion for sports, music and French.

With over 20 years of service, we continue to see new and exciting things:

  • We are a fully accredited school with Ministry of education and sports.
  • Our enrollment is over 300 students with several nationalities represented.
  • We continuously look at how we can advance our curriculum to provide a relevant and dynamic education program
  • In every area of the school, for all age levels, we strive to provide a high-quality interactive learning environment
  • Our Sports and Music Departments have experienced great advances especially with key partnerships from the USA.
  • Our staff is fully trained, dedicated to education and young people.

In addition to our commitment to high quality academics we are also keen to provide an enrichment program that helps students fully develop their God-given skills and talents. In the classroom and at play time, through sports and the performing arts, we foster the attributes which we believe your children need.These are enquiry, resilience, morality, communication, thoughtfulness, cooperation, respect and adaptability.

We hope that, above all, Grand Maria Sch is a place that reflects the love of Jesus Christ and that whether you join our community as a teacher, parent or student, you find yourself accepted, encouraged and inspired during your time with us.

We hope you enjoyed your visit to our website today. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

As well as browsing our website to get a flavour of the school, I invite you to visit us during the school day. You will find happy children engaged in active learning in a safe environment.